Saturday, June 10, 2006

The Dems and Their Governor-ess

I am far enough to the left to have worked in the SDS, to read Lenin with interest, treasure a McGovern button, and to donate to Jimmy Carter. However, coronating Gregoire is an example of why our party is failing to convince the public we are ready to return to power,

Here are some facts:

1. Atty General Gregoire’s role in the tobacco negotiation is controversial among leftish lawyers who feel the companies were let off too easily. Yes they paid a settlement, but that cost came out of their raised prices for cigs so the consumer really paid. That might be OK IF the settlement had required an ONGOING penalty, It did not. In effect, Gregoire negotiated as ransom payment that let the companies free to do whatever they wanted in the future. They adapted their advertising technique, maintained their profits.

2. Atty General Gregoire was unsuccessful in convincing the legislature to use these funds for tobacco related issues. The settlement in this state has mainly gone into the general fund. The reported 350 mill for research is welcome (I am a scientist) but the allocation has let the legislature off of what might otherwise be pressure to support the development of the biotech industry in our state. 350 mi is tiny $$ compared to the funds being spent to support biotech initiatives in North Carolina, Massachusetts or Michigan. W State, despite the strength of the UW and a lot of hype, is not competing well in attracting new biotech $$.

3. As the official UW attorney, Attny Gregoire presided over horrible legal messes, including the huge fines the medical school received. Legal experts I know feel the case was bungled by the attorneys representing her in court. The there was that mess with the football coach and the mess in her own office.

4. Under her aegis (and, to be fair, continuing with the current amateur lawyers), the UW has developed a prolix and fragile legal apparatus of non-attorneys who have greatly complicated and raised the costs of education at the UW.

5. On critical issues … immigration for one, the National Guard for another, Gov. Gregoire is feckless. Or maybe we are not a border state with lots of immigrant farm workers?

6. Candidate Gregoire ran dirty campaigns against Sims and then Rossi. Her charges against Rossi for his religious beliefs turned a lot of voters off … YAY for Washington State voters.

7. As governor, Ms. Gregoire gave one of the most sexist speeches I have ever heard, extolling our state for electing three women …as opposed to electing equally competent vagina deprived males? WADR, we should be long beyond gender identification as a criteria for office … unless you want Anne Coulter as your next President.
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