Thursday, September 15, 2005

Reality, von Braun and Justice Roberts

Something is missing. The Justice tells us his written memos from the Reagan or Bush I eras were lawyer work ... writings to support his employers. Fair enough? Isn't that why we employ lawyers?

Maybe fair to the employer, but how do lawyers justify their choice of employers? I think America was here once before .. at least in spirit. In 1945 we rescued Werner von Braun and his fellow rocketeers from the oncoming Ruskis. von Braun's missiles from the Nazi era were engineer work ... devices to support his employer.

There is, of course, real differences between the two situations. Reagan may have been senile but he was no Hitler. Bush I was not a Nazi either. Roberts' however does not take the road of accusing his critics of making odious comparisons. Instead, Justice Roberts appeals to the high ideals of the Law ... without the rule of law, there is no law. and Werner? Dr. von Braun's best claim is that science justifies itself. Our North Korean colleagues certainly show us that support for science does not undermine a fascist society.

Still, the scientific community is a lot more moralistic then our pin striped attorney friends. After WWII, many of the world's scientists condemned Heisenberg for working on Hitler's bomb. "Physics" unlike "the Rule of Law" may not be self justifying. I was personally criticized for accepting tainted research dollars from the Tobacco Institute. I guess my credentials as a working scientist permit me to be judgmental?

Roberts himself is not the issue for me. The issue for me is the Democratic Senators acceptance of Roberts' claim. Shouldn't someone of these attorney-legislators ask the Justice to explain the extent of his of isolation of attorneys from ethics? Why isn't it relevant to know Justice Robert's personal beliefs on murder of the unborn? Would the Justice rule in favor of infanticide simply based on Roe v Wade as a precedent?

I suspect Roberts' antagonists accept the arguments for legal immunity form the demands of morality. .. or at least they accept these arguments until our representatives someday sit as prisoners in Nuremberg trial of their own.
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