Monday, May 08, 2006

Scientific Societies Oppose Immediate Net Publishing

This story is so amazing. Science is about communication .. #1, #2m and #3. Arguing that the needs of professional societies come first is akin to the arguement that the Church had the right to censor Galileo in the interest of "society." The Church, the government, the professional societiers should never partake of inhibiting scioence form communication ... leave thaty to the for-profits.

By and large these societies are the residual of an era when science was more fragmented ... they are clubs like yacht clubs, golf clubs or more aptly athletic clubs. Why atheltic clubs? Well, these began as a place where the business elite could meet, steam and talk. Well maybe I am being severe, but at least the Seattle Athletic Club attracts the CEOs form our elite firms. The lack of particpation of major investigators in professional societies is telling.

Why do the societies still exist? a. to organize national meetings. b. to publish journals. The cost of publishing journals is now very little ... tx to the web. The meetings, they are still importnat but why should the journal subsidize the meetings? One answer maybe the numbe rof meetings in posh resorts .. Keystone ski resort is the rpime example.

OK, I admit to likng some monasticism in science. I prefer the Gordon Conferences use of small schools and cheap motels.
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