Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Pope

What can anyone say. The Pope screwed up. Only a leader embedded n the self-satisfying, closed world of the Papacy (or the White House) could make such a mistake. Jihad is all too real, but the Prophet did not preach the doctrines of conversion by the sword cited by the Emperor and quoted by the Pope.. True, Gregory MEANT the Emperor's speech as an example of what NOT to say. Yet ... given the bloody history of the Chair of Peter, it would have been better if he picked an example closer to home. How about citing the antisemitism of Pius IX ... or is he waiting until this evil man is canonized?

Yet, how does anything the coddled white guy said justify the Muslim rage? Does anyone in the rational world think the Pope meant to insult the Muslims? Is there NOONE amongst the callous headed worshipers of Allah willing to defend the intent of the Holy Father? If the US Muslim world is so moderate, where are they now???
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Mourad said...

(publishing this comment might actually get me in trouble)
Actually he did preach such conversions.. (letters to the Roman and Persian emperors)
The catholic church has appologized numerous times for the crusades. The Arab/Islamic world is actually proud of the Arab conquests..

SM Schwartz said...

You are not entirely fair here.

First, the Church's apologies are always for the people who did these things NOT for the istitution and the Church NEVER offers any form of restitution.

Second, the Islamic conquests were in many case rather peaceful as compared to the blood and gore of the European equivalents.

That said, I sort of agree with you.