Imus Rutgers' Hos and the Seattle Connection
There is a tid bit of relationship between the Imus scandal and the UW. Rutgers hired its current over paid Prexy, Richard McCormick away from his overpaid job at the UW. Amongst this man's least charming assets as Husky President were an appalling but phony claim to a commitment to multiculturalism. Under Richard's rule, the term UW African American became a synonym for athletic scholarship. His administration responded to the murder suicide of a white faculty member by a Chinese student instituting a policy that ended up trying to frame another Chinese person for a non existent crime. (In that case the UW was reprimanded by King County Authorities for its abuse of the student). McCormick, unlike Imus, never apologized and to this day, as far as I know, the UW lacks an office of Chinese affairs even though Chinese students are the largest minority on campus.
It is not that Dr. McCormick is a racist and I would be astonished if he ever called an African American a "nappy headed ho" or used an other politically incorrect term. However, I would be equally astonished to learn that McCormick had undertaken any sincere efforts to do more than make a show of addressing racism at Rutgers.
Personally, I find ethnic humor very unfunny, Dave Chapelle, Seinfeld or Imus, all fit into the same small, tippy boat fueled by the cheap humor of foul language and ethnic deprecation. But this witch hunting over foolish words makes the racism of people like Sharpton too easily ignored.
Where did I put my fucking, piece of shit, schwanztrager? Anyone here know what the Japs mean when they say "Chickshaw?" Anyhow, I think you are a Kafir, Chevy-luving, Hubhcap stealing Spic, Nigger, Kike, Yid, Canuck, Polack, Wop, Ho, Bitch, Freechie, Fag, Slut, Slantete, Hebe, Spearchucker, Yellow, Injun, Chief, Sioux, Honkey, Kraut, Limey, and Fat Cur if you do not agree with this post.
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