Sunday, April 26, 2009

God Is NOT Good.

HorsesAss.Org » Blog Archive » The Great Flu Pandemic of 2009?

There is an important, message in this event.

The virus is highly "recombined." That means it has acquired parts of human, swine, and bird DNA. The virus is MORE scary than HIV, because this little piece of DNA has not even been selcted to live peacefully in swine, never mine in us.

This is living evidence that evolution is happening AND that we endanger our entire species by the anti scientific rejectionism of the Bush era. Like global warming, we scientists knew this was going to happen. Even if this new virus proves less than catastrophic, we MUST invest the money to prepare ourselves for what we KNOW is coming.

The lessons?

1. Evolution is Real
2. The "Designer" is not on our Side.
3. WE need to and can protect ourselves by supporting the science of molecular virology.


we can trust in God!

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