Monday, July 27, 2009

"Our" Media?

Did anyone see the Goebbels-Hannity show last night? This smarmy hate monger ran an infomercial bad mouthing Canadian and British medicine. The facts were grossly misrepresented, including issues that have been widely addressed before.

What worries me is that we are seeing the usual rad right/Nazi tactic of big lies while the other side, committed to rational discussion, is hampered by its own commitment to honesty.

It seems to me that the usual media, what Goebbels calls the far left, ought to respond NOT by dissing the American docs or the Insurance companies .. all that will do is heighten the cacophony, but by adopting Fauxista tactics to go after Hannity-Oreilly-Beck.

Here are some ideas:

1. Paranoia on the Air
Prominent Psychiatrist discusses paranoia among victims of Fauxism.

2. Glen Beck and the traditions of yellow journalism ... play Beck episodes across from Jo McCarthy, Father Coughlin, LePen, Hamas, pointing out the similarities.

3. Flags and Heroes ... Is there any major rad righter who ever served in the military?

4. Faux and the Rednecks. A documentary o n birthers and racist fans of Faux.

5. The United States if Healthcare
A documentary on the effects of the USA of explosive corporate paid health care ... featuring GM built alluding to Boeing.

6. The Radical Right Hereafter .. what did happen to Mr. Chaney and Mr. Quayle? Did Ollie-the-felon North ever pay his debt? ... what did Libby know?

7. Crusaders The Religious Right infiltration of the Special Forces and the AF Academy.

8. The Grand Friendship
Close relations between the Bush family and the Saudis.

9. Honoris Causa
Academic quality of Bob Jones, Liberty University, Oral Roberts.

10. Plight of the Gay Republican. This is a fave, an actor impersonates a gay republica
n and infiltrates the Texas Repub. Party Org.

OR ... we can play THEIR game and focus on misuses of radical religious penises, nightly "worst persons of the world,:" etc.
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christmasghost said...

I see your complete ignorance and hate are still keeping you company. Good grief, a Jew comparing a TV show to a Nazi? Oh yeah, they are so alike.
You are beyond offensive.
How do you like the way chairman zero is treating Israel?

SM Schwartz said...

One of us is ignorant or perhaps unpatriotic.

Ignorant, because you seemingly are unaware of how Goebbels used propaganda to effect change. Goebells was Stalin's mentor in this regard .. a lesson of big lies and hate mongering not lost on Hannity or Beck.

Unpatriotic because it seems you do not give a damn about this country. There surely IS a need for opposition to the President and esp to the Dems, but opposition of this sort leads only to harm to our common go0als as a nation.

As for the Obama policy toward Israel and the Arabs, what is YOUR problem with it? He has undertaken an aggressive effort at creating peace .. do you have a better idea?

About the only substantive issue BHO has made with Netanayahu is opposition to the settlements. Obama's stand on those issues conci9des with the stands of the Peace Now movement, Yitzhak Rabin's stand, and .. not it appears .. even Olmert's stand.

You call me offensive? You are NOT the loyal opposition, you are the legacy of the American Bund, the Know-Nothings, the Weathermen, the Panthers. the KKK, Father Coughlin, Henry Ford, the American Communist Party and the Aryan Nation.