Monday, November 16, 2009

Rational Discussion With a Naturpoathic Pothead?

Sunil Aggarwal, a UW MD PhD student is arguing that inhaled marjuana is aafe.

First, let me state again that no responsible scientist is going to advocate inhaling mj smoke given the simple fact that mj smoke has a very high content of known carcinogens.

Tashkin’s study is a good study. So how does one account for Tashkin’s study? Could there be some surprise in inhaled MJ, something wonderful that prevents cancer? The answer is yes, but …

The but is part of the basic tools of modern science. Tashkin’s study does not prove that mj is safe and certainly did not “prove” that it prevents cancer. No association analysis can prove a specific hypothesis.

I would hope, given Sunil’s PhD in the social sciences that he would have taken a course in causal analysis? For those who might care, the difference between causal analysis and association is HUGE.

For example, studies have shown that children of parents with hi IQ do better on exams. This association s valid but not causal because IQ scores are confounded by other variables, eg inherited wealth. When there is a surprising association, good scientists never decide on causality, they design hypothesis testing experiments to determine if the surprise is correct.

Justifying such studies is difficult because they are very expensive. A friend of mine owns and runs a drug company that exploits traditional Chinese medicine t find new drugs. Perhaps Sunil would like to try t convince that company to spend money on marijuana?

Sunil would have trouble convincing my friend t spend this money because there is so much evidence that inhaled mj SHOULD cause cancer. Sunil, however, is devoted to the naturopathic idea that complex extracts from plants, have better therapeutic outcomes than the effects of pure ingredients. This would be similar to Lilly saying it is no longer going to sell “pure” insulin because there is some other useful ingredient in pig pancreatic extract. As a diabetic patient, I am very glad that genetic engineering now allows Lilly to synthesize pure insulin.

For now let me point out that nothing in Tashkin’s study suggests that such a wonderful effect is due to the properties of marijuana. Suggesting that folks be encouraged to inhale benzpyrene, one of the carcinogens in mj smoke, is irresponsible and forcing children to do so at Hempfest may be a criminal act.

Cross Posted at SJ

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