Thursday, January 21, 2010

Vote Socialist Basketball Party?

To the Repricans ...

Be careful what you wish for.

Brown did not and could not have won as Repub. He won as a populist independent.

There is NO evidence that he has stemmed the tide fleeing from the Radicalism of your party.

I suspect that this is the first time since Jefferson quit the Federalists  that the majority of folks may be becoming independents.

While it is clear that in 2010 (near binary there!) BHO also used the same tactic in 2008. BTW, he too ran as the alternative to the radicals in his own party.

Combine all this with a corporate funded free for all and we could have the government we may all deserve.

BTW, Israel is an example of a state where Tea Baggers diminate.  Israeli political parties really do not exist in the American sense. Imagine the Congress having to organize itself Israeli style? What marginal group would hold the balance ... NARAL? DAR? FORD PAC? SOCCER FANS? ARYAN NATION? LAROUCHE?
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