Wednesday, March 31, 2010

HorsesAss.Org » Blog Archive » Rich, old, white folk pack sham hearing on Chihuly “museum”

"Seattle Center High?

A REAL opportunity for the Wrights to show civic spirit.

The meeting at SC is typical of the kinbds of meetings developers set up to satisfy concerns about “democracy.”

Here in SLU, I have attended “community councils” .. pretty funny when basically no one lives there. A LOT of folks who work for Vucan or for firms that work fr Vulcan atteneded (of course).

Back at Space Needle Park, I had not realized that the Chihulu Collection was intended to be managed by the Space Needle.
Why not privatize all of SC and let the Wrights run the whole thing?

We could, of course, make a few regulations .. zoning laws so they did not turn it into condoms (not a typo) or a theme park.

Actually, I have a better idea. Why not BUILD a central high school there? Seattle is unique amongst “major” cities in not having one. The school could be integrated with the arts centers, science museum, and even the Gates. The nearby UW School of Med campus, Amazon, the Hutch, could help out too!

Is the cost of building it an issue? Maybe not. Why not get the Wrights to INVEST in it as a multipurpose building and let the Wrights use it as an adjunct to the Space Needle on eves and weekends. This way the building might even make money!

For example, instead of just a gym, Center High could have an athletic Center with pay for use facilities that could include a swimming pool, bike trails, climbing wall (up the side of the Needle?).

There could be an arts center where students could learn crafts .. including glass making. Chihulies stuff could be an inspiration but the Center could also house an expanded NW Crafts museum, perhaps bringing in the very Chihuly pieces the Wrights so love along with promoting the work of Seattle’s large community of talents artists and artisans.

A multiuse school also addresses the seasonality of the Center use by Tourists.
In the Summer, the school could work with the UW, SU, etc to offer “courses” for profit that would also attract tourists.

Center High students could also participate in the weekly ethnic festivals at Center House, work as interns in other Center and nearby institutions. The work could include private sector jobs at Amazon or downtown.

Artists in residence would demonstrate their crafts to the public on weekend’s.

Center High?"

Here is the beginning of my post. And here is the rest of it.
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