Thursday, May 06, 2010

OJs and DSL, Religion vs the Internet!

David Goldstein, the publisher of my favorite blog, HorseAss, has lately been kvelling (complaining about bad service from Qvest ... his phone comapany and DSL provider.  David's blogging has celebrated this as sort of a mini version of the well told tale of corporate greed.

Anyhow, as one of his acolytes I decided to see if I could help.

I just got off the line (Comcast) with Ahmed, my friend in tech support at Qvest. Ahmed told me THEIR side of the story.

Goldy has been not quite truthful with us. Turns out that Qvest told him that they no longer supported the Apple II Goldy uses as hit spot for his DSL connection. Goldy was outraged so the service rep, a Tawanna Brawley, offered to get something called legacy services (QveL (pronounced “KVELL”) Tel Aviv) involved.

At my request (I really like David), Ahmed called Tawanna and we both spoke with her. She assured me that Qvest was doing everything possible because it recognized that David a big cheese publisher whose voice carries weight.

Qvest’s latest offer to David was to give him a refurbished PC to run the connection. Apparently Mr. Goldstein refused, claiming that Windows was not kosher in his house.

Now I really, really respect most religious people.  However, fundamentalists always seem to blame others for their own problems.  David, as an Othodox J (Jobsite) is entitled to his beliefs, but blaming Qvest is simply not fair.


 (message posted at HA)

I am not allowed to speak for Qwest .. however Steve or David want to misspell our old name.

I do, however, want to be sure David's readers understand our policies when it comes to religion. David, as an Othodox J (Jobsite) is entitled to his beliefs. We respect them and will do all we can do to provide service to him.

Ahmed P.
Service Rep.
Qwest DSL Support Group
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