Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A Concept for A New Reality Show

Recently there has been a fuss about some of the more bizarre of the current crop of Tea Bagging  radicals runing for office after engaging in such charming behavior as re-enacting Nazi miliatry engagements.

I DO understand tolerance and think even this sort of right wing bigotry has the right to be heard  though NOT the right to be respected.  It occurs to me, however, that the racism of the right may be great financial opportunioty for Fox to run a new sort of reality show.

SJ Media proposes ....

                                               The Mansion
It will go like this. The cast well be selected from talented black athletes and actors.

The athletes will play Southern masters.

The competitors, will all be young and comely .. at least as the ordeal begins.

Each season, the competitors, all “white Christians” will agree to work and live on the manse as slaves

As slaves, they will begin dressed in rags that wik not quite offer privacy or protection form the cold at night.

The slaves  will need to hand wash their clothing and utensils  in less than crystal clear water running through a creek. This creek will also be their only source of water.  No cups or spoons will be provdided to assure that the slaves learn proper bowl etiquette.

Slave food, a sort of porridge, will be metered out by the Masters. The same porridge will be given three times a day with a slice of bread oif the slave has behaved well.

Each week, the slaves will be brought before the Master for judgment, with punishments including heavier shackles, reduced rations, solitary confinement, cleaning the toilets, stoop labor, wearing of derogatory signs etc. No “real” violence will be used.

The better slaves may be rewarded by articles of clothing, better food, or even by assignment as house servants.

A slave can win by escaping or by being awarded “freedom: at the end of the season.
(c) SJ 2010.
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