Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Take a look at the birth announcement and a video!

Darryl, a UW anthropologist, posted an item on HorsesAss asking whether Mary Cheney's new child was the result of a virgin birth. This upset some of the readers, but why? and why is anyone upset about what Darryl, the Anthropologist and Hominid in his own right, has to say about the virgin birth? If, as I read, 70% or so of American Christians believe in the divinity of Jesus, then why question the possibility that a second virgin birth has occurred? If once a miracle why not twice? and to a Miriam yet!

As a biologist, let me tell ya the ONLY remarkable thing about such an event is that both Marys apparently have had male children. Parthogeneic birth should produce only females because female cells lack a Y chromosome! At least that is how it has worked until Jesus.

Or is there a message here??? As a Jew it has always seemed odd to me that Jesus, the Jewish preacher, would somehow reach the ripe old age of 30 without a spouse. He claimed to be an observant Jew and under our Law, we are required to be married and productive long before the third decade!

Unless ... unless Joshua ben Josef and now Schmuel Dovid bat Miriam are both transexual females??? That would certainly make sense in Joshua's case! It would explain his lack of female partners and so much more of his err ahh oddness. Maybe the Holy Sirit did visit both Marys with some sort of testosterone producing tumor??

Even today, in a permissive society, transexuals find it tough. Could it be that Pilate crucified the preacher because of fear that He was gay? Has Mary Cheney's son had a sex chromosome test???

Look at this from the point of view of the elder Cheneys. they are devout Christians. What more wonderful even than their virgin daughter giving birth to a "boy?" Isn't it also odd that young Schmuel was born just as the Prophet Falwell passed on?

As a Jew, I find this all VERY encouraging. For 2000 years we have been accused of being somehow different. If Samuel David is a parthogenic child of Mary Cheney, that we now know that goyem, not just Jews, have this biological potential! One more piece of evidence that Jews are like everyone else! Hashem* is wise and will always reveal the truth to those who seek it.

I just admit to being impressed that Miriam has named her "son" or daughter after a great Judge and a great King. Is Samuel David the second Jesus?

BTW, for those who don't know me well ... my name in Hebrew is Schmuel Mosheh (Samuel Moses). My mom, however was only a Mulkeh so I guess I am not a candidate for anointment?

Anyhow, from one Schmuel to another Schmuel, welcome to this messed up world!

More at HorsesAss

*Hashem ... Jews do not use a name for the Deity., Hashem means, "the Name."
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