Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Petraeus Deserves a Better Boss!

blatherWatch: Tuesday oddems: dittos betrayus; billo gives it up? loopy livershorts, and the big crapaud: "~ Rush Limbaugh made up the Betrayus joke in the first place! And it was the loyalty of a Republican- he was trying to smear! Rush called Sen. Chuck Hagel 'Senator Betrayus ' because he opposes the war. All that self-righteousness and Mutually Assured Distraction around the Moveon ad that lured earballs so effectively away from real issues like the war and the shambles of the Bush administration, and it was mudhoney from the dastardly and ungrateful Rush Limbaugh all along. Will the prevailing head winds in the teapot ever die down?"

The Bush plan VS. the Petraeus doctrine: "With his new plan for Iraq, President Bush runs the risk of going against the principles of the US army's new doctrine of counterinsurgency. The doctrine was written last year by the man who will command US forces in Iraq, Lieutenant General David Petraeus. Its whole thrust is towards the long-term. The political imperative behind the Bush proposals is that the Iraq war is unpopular and that the US must get results soon, hopefully within a few months, certainly within a few years. 'I've made it clear to the [Iraqi] prime minister and Iraq's other leaders that America's commitment is not open-ended,' he said in his speech."
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