Sunday, April 27, 2008

Is anyone else watching Jerimiah Wright address the NAACP on CNN? - Yahoo! Answers

Is anyone else watching Jerimiah Wright address the NAACP on CNN? - Yahoo! Answers
from Yahoo..

Is anyone else watching Jerimiah Wright address the NAACP on CNN?

If so, is anyone else as disgusted as I am that so many people are backing up this virulently anti-American pastor and making him out to be an angel?

I don't even think this is about Barack Obama anymore - it is about the black community giving a free pass to someone who said deplorable things about the country that gave him the opportunity to become a success story in our nation! 92% of these same folks voted for the black candidate just because he is black. The same people who are backing up the criminals called the Jena Six and believe that whenever a black person is rightfully getting his a.s.s kicked for doing something wrong, that it is somehow a miscarriage of justice.

Am I the only one who sees that Barack Obama's speech fell on deaf ears and that the Black community doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt if they continue this type of nonsense?

Disgusted? Yes with you. With Your Anti-American bigotry.

Who is Jeremiah Wright? He is a veteran of the second great war of the 20th century .. the one we all won against racims in our own country.
BTW, he served in the marines during 'Nam and tended to Lyndon Johnson's wounds after the effort to assassinate the President. He went on to get a dgree in theology at the prestigious Univ. of Chicago but, moved by his studies of history, decided to be a preacher in a failing, poor Black church. He built that church into a large, successful community. Seems to me that this is a record that deserves some respect!

If you choose the god damned, out of context excerpts from Fox, then YOU are as guilty as they are of maligning the Reverand.YOU are guilty of the unpatriotic behavior you and they ascribe to Rev. Wright.

This kind of character assassination names in our society ..No-nothing, Jingoism, McCarthyism. McCarthy and his followers misused patriotism. They were traitors to our ideals.

If Jeremiah had been an evil person, I would join you in disgust. But, twhen I actually listened to what the man SAID, I relaized that the evil ones are the media shmucks who willingly ran a few quotes out of context, over and over again.

I am a 67 yo Jew, a veteraa of Vietnam and a patriot VERY grateful to this country for saving my family form Hitler. If you are a patriot, you owe it to your country to listen to this man's full and remarkable words.

Youl might go to my blog if you want links to this ex marine's own words!

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Randy Shiner said...

You saw the Bill Moyers interview. Jeremiah Wright is being used as an excuse by too many people, Jews included (sadly) to tar Barack Obama with the statements by Rev. Wright that were taken completely out of context by people who simply don't like the idea of a black man whose name is Hussein. As I have said many times, it is this kind of political discourse that is ruining this country. As I have likewise said before, based on my acquaintances and friends in Israel, Obama is exactly what Israel needs to start a new discussion about how to get the Arabs with the program of the 21st century in terms of economics, government, etc. I found Rev. Wright to be engaging and purposeful in his views, though I did not appreciate his view that the US was "sponsoring state terrorism against the Palestinians". I would think that one trip to Israel for Rev. Wright would disabuse him of the notion that Israel is doing anything other than defending herself from the constant attacks over the course of the last 60 years and that its society is on a par, or exceeds, that of any Western industrialized nation on earth, despite the constant attacks by those that would like to see every Jew/Israeli dead. The barrage of hate spewed toward Rev. Wright is a symptom of a bigger racial problem in this country which has been buried for too long. Thanks for a thoughtful response.

Anonymous said...

I had been extremely uncomfortable with Reverend Wright's comments for quite some time now.

Recently, however, I was able to watch the longer versions of his sermons that gave context to the damning sound bites I had seen on television.

The Bill Moyers interview, and now this speech have added further context to my understanding of Rev. Wright and I have become totally comfortable with him and his world view.

I look forward to reading his book when it comes out later this year.

SM Schwartz said...

To be a boit fair, Jeremiah is a rather self centered egotist, hardly a crime there.

He is also a very inspiring person. I too think that the sort of devotion shown by Rev. Wright and Obama might work miracles in the mid east.

Randy Shiner said...

It's interesting that Rev. Wright has said that if Obama is elected President, he will "be after him" as he will be the leader of an organization (the US government) that has been responsible for ignoring the plight of Black America. Not that I think that the government is solely responsible for Blacks' plight, but as a minister, he has an obligation to take up the cause of "his people" no matter the skin color of the person who occupies the White House. It troubles me that an educated man like Rev. Wright would still assert that it was the government that spread AIDS in the black community. Either there is some substantial evidence for this proposition, or he is a fool. And I do not think the latter. Regardless, Rev. Wright is getting his 15 minutes in the sun and I hope he is using it to the best advantage of his people who are in dire need of a leader other than the likes of Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson.

SM Schwartz said...

I agree that his lending credence to the AIDS story is terrible .. on a par with the Bushies disbelief in global warming, WMD, and ID?

He reminds me of some friends I have who believe Hillary has accomplished a lot as a Senator, that Castro assassinated JFK, that Jesus was the Jewish messiah, etc.

Randy Shiner said...

Seems to me that Black folks have enough troubles in reality, without having to invent stuff to get p.o.'d at Whitey about. I don't blame them for being "angry". I'd be angry, too, if I was treated the way they have been, generally speaking. The pervasiveness of hopelessness, poverty and despair has severely crippled too many of them emotionally and otherwise, methinks. There are of course exceptions, but they definitely ARE exceptions. It's America's original sin which we have never come to terms with, even after 143 years after the end of the Civil War. So sad, to me. And because of their skin and other racial theories espoused by among others, Thomas Jefferson, the enlightened one. He may not have known better, steeped in the culture of his time. We know better now, and yet the hate persists.

SM Schwartz said...

Of course AA are not alone in having a mythology. Huge numbers of Americans actually believe they are descended form one of Noah's sons and the belief in the cultural superiority of Christendom is very wide spread.

That said, attotudes like Jeremiah;s toward issues like this are very common .. along with the conviction that tje cops hate blacks, etc.

Racists, including white liberal racists merely feed the fire.

Anonymous said...

wright may be right about many things, but his performances of late are doing nothing but driving Obama's campaign into the dirt.

the man is proud, yes... egotistically so, i might say ... but i wish the good Reverend and Doctor would be smart enough to know when he should just shut the fuck up.

Anonymous said...

One thing that fascinates me is the block statements benng made about the horrible things Wright has supposedly said,

If you ask for specific examples three come up:

1. The AIDS stofry. No doubt this is goofy on Wright's part. But, he did not say this as an anti whitey thing. What he says is that tis cold be true given the abuse of Africa by Europeans and Americans.

In that light, this is at worst a stupid statemenr by someone with tense feelings about OUR culture.

2. Unlike the real nuts, Wright does not claim that the planes were really Israeli or American. He blames the US for 9/11. Errr ahhh ... who should be blamed? Our allies the Saudis? Our alliance with Israel? If we do not look at ourselves and ask how we prevent this in the future, what good can happen?

At worst Wright hyoes this issue, at best e is saying we need to look inside ourselves. NOTE: He always refers to the US as "we."

3. Wright supports Farrakhan. This is true. It is also true that a huge portion of the AA community sees F. as a sincere prophe3t of Black discipline.

What is wrong here is that Wright lacks the courage to take two stands at once .. against F for his antisemitism and for the man for what he does good.

That is it. on most of the rest, I suspect that many Americans would agree that Wright cofrrectly identifies the worst aspects of OUR history.

Why is gthis such a bad deal? Is it really that Wright represents such an awful man, is it that he is a fool, or is this a media circus?