Monday, February 09, 2009

Stimulus bill narrowly survives Senate test vote

My Way News - Stimulus bill narrowly survives Senate test vote: "The Senate proposed $450 million for NASA for exploration, for example, $50 million less than the House. It also eliminated the House's call for money to combat a potential flu pandemic.

On the other hand, the Senate bill calls for several billion more in spending for research at the National Institutes of Health, the result of an amendment backed last week by Specter."

Why is NASA part of this other than pork? Does NASA increase US competitiveness?

NIH clearly does and the CDC is badly underfunded in case of a flu epidemic.

This thing is chaotic. Instead of stimulus bill, it is turning into an omnibus. Barney Frank said it best .. " the people elected "us" because they want this sort of spending." BULLSHIT. Worse, the Demicans may lose big time in 2010 because of this sort of inanity.

The bill ought to be clearly designated for immediate needs ..

..unemployment benefits, COBRE
..funds to be sure States do not lay off teachers and cops.

..long term investments that can be spent now AND benefit productivity are also wise ..NIH is great because it does get spent quickly and does have long term bennies too. Other examples ... Mass Transit, highway repairs, scholarships, ....

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Anonymous said...

What do you think about food stamps?

SM Schwartz said...

same as unemployment. Stamps are a necessary part of the safety net. Isn't that obvious?

Anonymous said...

As a stimulus, you idiot. You said you didn't think the social safety net was a priority right now. So, what about food stamps?