Friday, October 14, 2005

The Rest of the Story of Genesis

Dinosaurs still exist.

It is well known that deep in the forests of Brazil there is an area yet unplumbed by humans except of one tribe of women, the Amazons. The Amazons have domesticated their lizard-like friends. You should taste an Amazonia
omelet. One egg feeds the entire tribe!

The Amazoni are, BTW, Jewish and direct descendents of the women who provided Cain's wives. They survived the flood by riding from present day Syria to West Africa on the backs of aquatic dinosaurs. Their great story is told by the Great Song. This beautiful song takes on year to recite, with different verses for every day of the year. The Amazoni language can not be written and even Amzoni who have learned to read and write Portuguese insist that a written version of the Song would not be faithful to the original tale given to Zipporah by G-d.

You might ask how can they be Jewish if they were isolated from the rest of humanity since the flood? For that you need to understand that the Torah never claims to be complete. Just as it does not mention the Maine Lobster, it never mentions the experience of Zipporah, the prophet of the cavern. She received a separate set of commandments from Hashem during the great Exodus of the Amazoni from their enslavement by the black skinned Bantu or Nigeria. As sung by the cantors, Zipporah gathered the last of the dinosaurs and the Jews of Africa onto a great arc and rode the seas all the way to the mouth of the Amazon.
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Anonymous said...

If not done yet, I invite you to to check out just an opinion on dinosaurs...

Mourad said...

I thought the Jewish people in the Amazon were originally Moroccan ?
Plus, doesn't the notion that some people survived the flood other than Noah contradict the Genesis' account ?