Tuesday, November 15, 2005

State of the Union, 2006

Excerpts from the State of the Union Address by President George W. Bush; United States Congress, 2006

All Americans must comply with the law of the land. That is why we worked so hard to be sure that the new Justices of the Supreme Court are all fair and balanced. As you know, in the matter of freedom of religion, the Court has now decided that alternatives to evolutionary theory must be taught as long as they are based in science. This fair-minded decision challenges those who support intelligent design to provide scientific grounds supporting belief.

I am therefore proposing a budget for the coming year of $300 million to be made available for original research proposals in the area of intelligent design. I want to point out the tremendous potential benefits to our society if such research bears fruit. Research, ALL research has benefits , not just conventional research that explores old points of view. Therefore, I call on the enginuity of American scientists to rise to this challenge. I ask the research and development arms of American industry to imagine the great benefits to your country and to all Americans if the search for intelligent design leads to a source of alternative energy ... our cars may one day run on the same principles that created the Grand Canyon!

Three departments will split this modest sum:

Department of Energy:
What could be more intellignet than an inexhaustible source of energy? My experts tell me that research at a Mormon Univeristy on fuaion power has been suppressed. Others claim that research did not work. Perhaps, but the conventional thinkers we can not make a fusion reactor work because they do not understand how to keep a ball of energy together for more than gnat's blink. Couldn't the answer be a need of science to see God in the heart of the tomahawk errh Tokamik nooclear reactor?

National Science Foundation:
Since that time of the Greeks, the basis for logic itself has never been addressed. We're proposing a collaborative effort between politicians and geologists to determine the original cause of logic.

National Institutes of Health:
In collaboration with the theology departments of the Vatican, Oral Roberts university, Notre Dame university, and the Detroit Wahabi Mosque, the NIH plans to attempt to mutate HIV to a benign virus. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
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