Monday, May 07, 2007

Elections In France

Some folks are seeing a portent of the 2008 election in the defeat of a the French socialist with their single mom female candidate.

This is another illustration of the fantasy world the right lives in. Royal is to Hillary as Bush is to Jefferson. She could never run for President here. On the other hand, by US standards Sarkozy is somewhat to the left of Mao. He is no more a rightist than James Webb or Obama or .. Hillary.

What he DOES represent is a reaction to France;s Muslim issues. The elcetion shows a belief by the French that they are a distinct people, albeit one that others can JOIN if they are willing to become French. If there is a lesson here it is to the irredentist liberals who see nothing anomalous in 12 to 60 million new Chicanos suddenly becoming American with out a profound effect on our shared, if confusing "American" culture.

Probably good news for Israel AND the Palestinians too. A constructive France could do a lot of good!
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