Thursday, March 27, 2008


UPDATED from 3/27/08

SeattleJew says on HorsesAss

@32 mark and your ilk

I am very angry. As an early Obama supporter I told others and myself that the race issue was largely over and BHO would be able to win because he is a great American.

Unlike Mr. Obama I lack the kindness and tolerance to forgive and understand the reactions I have seen to Jeremiah Wright’s sermons. The outrage shown by the press is an ugly charade. Rev. Wright surprised no one who has ever been to a Black church are spent time with African Americans. There is great pain in that community. To misuse that pain is not a lot different than bringing back lynching.

Guess what, my Jesus worshiping friends, we Jews say many of the same things about you! As much as I try to forget, there are six million memories that make me respect even the extremists within our people. I know Armenians, American Indians, and .. frankly even Southerners who have similar feelings toward the Turks, the US Army, and Lincoln. Why, why would the grandchildren of American slavery feel anything different?

Goddamn America for what happened is, indeed, too gentle an expression, for the people who committed such sins.

Yet, Rev. Wright has moved on from his own anger. He has helped many people and he NEVER taken out his anger on “white” folk. Do his words hurt"

Here is the beginning of my post. And here is the rest of it.
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Anonymous said...

I can't believe you can write such bullshits that any 12 year old San Francisco teen could come up with.


SM Schwartz said...

Well, I am not sure I come up to the standards of any teenager, I am after all a lot older than that and have lost many neurons by now.

But, I would welcome a more specific criticism and discussion. Other than that, I suppose you may be one of us, one American too weak to deal with the hard truth.

mistah charley, ph.d. said...

Here's a column by a rabbi and neighbor of Obama's.