Wednesday, June 25, 2008

HorsesAss.Org » Blog Archive » Will Italian Club condemn Rossi for his offensive Sopranos reference?

HorsesAss.Org » Blog Archive » Will Italian Club condemn Rossi for his offensive Sopranos reference?: "What the F is wrong wi being Mafia? For that matter why only give the EYEtalinas credit for the mafia?

Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel was an original organized crime pillar.
-and a pillar of the so-called Jewish mob--Meyer Lansk

My grand uncle was a card-carrying soldier in the service of the mafia. He earned his creds protecting kosher meat but graduated to pimping, slavery and an occasional murder.

You don’t like the mafia? Damnitall I would take the black Chevey’s patrolling the North End of Boston over any dumbass irish guys in a blue and white!

Tony Soprano, bull … howsabout Dutch Shultz?

BTW … all you goyem out there, ya did notice that Abramoff was the central guy in the Repircan shit! Da dems got mixed up with the wrong mafiosi! Jack might still be alive if he had our protection. Guess why Bushoe won’t ever be indicted? When we protect a guy, we mean it!

Next time you Seattlites are upset about street crime here in Sweden, just think how cool it ould be to call the Mafia and ask my uncle Louie to fix it. He would tell you, “Done is done.”"

Here is the beginning of my post. And here is the rest of it.
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