Friday, July 02, 2010

Obama speaking on immigration policies. 

Obama presents a rational argument for how to resolve the immigration mess.
The Republican response was typical.  They found this admittedly silly image, another way to demean a rational man.

Do the Republicans have ANY real policies or are they using the Senate as a cat box?

There must be serious people with business like ideas.  So many of the current issues really do need a balanced discussion.

Unfortunately … we will never hear anything serious from the current collection of tomcats as long as all they think about is how to get their balls back.

Of course , the “left” also has such people … it just seems as if these Democrat version are dogs and that these dogs have been box trained.

Maybe we need a new reality TV series … The Catfight where the tomcats can hurl verbal cat shit at each other? … a variation on Fox, co hosted by Rush Limbaugh and Maxine Waters?

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