Monday, February 11, 2008

Onward Christian Soldiers ....

God though, I am hyped! Could this be real?? Can I really be living to see man who has lived this man’s life become President of my country? I can not imagine how wonderful it would be to wake up proud of my country again!

I know this sort of exuberance is tempered by cynicism. But I truly believe in the Buddhist concept of bodhisittava .. not of saints or gods, but of good people, better people we all can learn from.

In my life time I have been so lucky to experience Dr. King and Cesar Chavez. I also have known a may quieter bhodis. But the thought of such a person .. warts and all .. being my President? Too wonderful for words.

BTW … I think this is also the hidden reason BHO is doing so well. CONSERVATIVES, people who are good Christians, for whom WWJD has less to do with spreading the faith than with being good, identify with him.

How far can such leadership go? Lincoln was pretty unpopular at the end of his first term and may have won by stuffing the ballot boxes. Washington, if it were not for Jefferson, might be remembered as the first King of a Hamiltonian Monarchy. OTOH, look at how far, albeit in the wrong direction, GWB has (mis)led us? Imagine the same sort of leadership this twit exercised in Iraq"

I have hope.
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