Washington State For Barack Obama 2008 | Obama08-WA | Barack Obama Driving Change
Here is the beginning of my post. And here is the rest of it.
I was sorry to see the WA state office close.
My wife and I went down to volunteer only to find it vacant. Dispiriting. Not even a phone number or web address. This suggests a serious weakness in the campaign. for the long run.
This fits an image I have seen in the campaign of serious ignorance of the local turf and a lack of long term commitment. A lot of the strength of the Radical Republicans came (I like THAT tense!) the huge strength of their grass roots. Even now, the grass roots survive and are likely to make a play to take over the GOP if McCain loses.
Obama 08, if it works, will only be the first step in a long process of creating a new movement united behind Obama's idealism. Is there any interest in our State of turning this into a longer term process?
Why waste money at this point maintaining an office here with all the staff, when that money is needed elsewhere.
I'd rather they do that to put the resources and personnel where they are needed, instead of sitting around here now that the caucuses are over.
I wouldn't read more into this than managing resources efficiently.
They'll be back.
A lot depends on the length of the vision. Electing BHO is only a short term goal. To be a success he needs, in the manner of FDR, Reagan, or de Gaulle to institute a long term change.
Imagine BHO is elected. Imagine hise VEEP is General Clark.
Great first steps! But, think ahead two years. Can BHO govern from the top and brak down, as he says, the phony barriers that didvide us?
By then Move-On will be upset that BHO has not withdrawn all the troops from the Indian ocean and ahs actually sent more to stabilize the new govt of Saudi Arabia.
By then, Dobson will be picketing universities that do stem cell research and such research will be outlawed in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Idaho.
By then, the scandal over AG Edwards' maintenance of his "Foundation" at UNC will have begun to come to a head.
Crap like this is best dealt with bu outside organizations that supprt the President's meme. The only way this will happen is if something akin to the conservative efforts led by Dobson, Reed, Fallwell, etc come into play from the Obama side.
Is this the job of the campaign? No. But with no presence in the state, they can not respond when any local org. wants interaction. As one small example, I have campaigned for months to have somebody form the campaign visit DL. Drinking Liberally is exactly the sort of grass roots organization BHO will need to govern.
Of course the campaign effort ought to be focussed in the WiscOhTex states. But BHO is anything but short on dollars. There must be local people who can be trusted to comprise an ongoing effort!
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