Friday, April 24, 2009



I wonder if we need a good science fiction writer at this time? You know someone to write "5004; 1984^-1?"

In this inversion of 1984 the Republican party is gone except for a set of fringe sects. Some aspects of Republicanism have now been diagnosed and can be treated by drugs similar to those now used to allow people Io choose gay vs straight personalities. However, if you are diagnosed with severe illness .. paranoia, divine delusion syndrome, sexual addiction, racism, or irrational religion, the courts can mandate implantation of a slow release pump. The wide spread use of the pumps has so reduced crime that our prisons are now being converted into condos.

Of course we still have political parties but these have merged with media empires and those, in turn, have largely been bought out by sovereign banks. The largest party is NBC-Vatican. Using the Vatican bank to fund NV, was a brilliant inspiration of President Condeleesa Rice when she took over the ailing media giant in 2020. Working with Pope M'buto, Dr. Rice created a party/media giant that is rivalled only by Mao-Fox. History itself changes when MF, affectionately called mother-fucker by its opponents, bailed out Mexico and became the first Great Mediocrity to privatize a nation.

And then there is TheChurch. Formed by the Allan-Templeton foundation after NV divested itself of local parishes, TheChurch has emerged as the ultimate in religions, competing only with Global Jihad for followers. We all remember the public conversion of GW Bush and his admission to visitations by the antiChrist, in the form of Dick Chaney. Depak Chopra, then the spokeperson for the "we-are-one" ads from Microsoft/Apple, publicly accepted the elderly Mr. Bush's confession using MS-confessional, the killer app that skyrocketed the onetime software giant into becoming the first truly global faith.

And then there is the New American Union. Few Democrats took Governor Perry seriously when he first introduced the idea of Texas becoming a sovereign state. Little did they know that the Texan had touched on something that would change North America forever. When Texas, Quebec, Cascadia, Alaska, Cuba, and New Hampshire held the first American Union Congress, who would have expected that within ten years the AU would replace the "federal" governments of Canada, the USA, and Mexico? The new capital, located in Havana, with its panache and ample funding from the NV party, has become so popular that Presidente Schwartznegger, leader of the NV party, swept into office in 2025, leaving little for the old federal governments to do but dissolve.

Viva Arnoldo.
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