Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Creating as more perfect union. .. NAACP

To all those who follow SJ’s lead .. especially Attorney General McKenna

At the invitation of Senator Spector (D, Pa) I have just joined the NAACP ,,, National Association for the Advancement of Conservative Principles.

We at the NAACP feel that our principles, the very principles that led to election fo the greatest of the conservative people, Lincoln, have been abandoned by the repricans.

As our first goal we wish to encourage all closet CP .. starting with your AG, Rod McKenna, to join the NAACP. We are firmly non partisan and utterly committed to Rational Conservatism. Non partisna, of curse means NOT GOP, since all that remains of the GOP are its white hooded southern traditions.

General McKenna, we hope, you will join the rest of us by putting down the false banner and white hood of the GOP. The Dems may not be the final answer. We may need, as Lincoln did, to found a new party.
04/28/2009 at 4:38 pm

The Seattle chapter of the NAACP has voted unanimously to request that Texas secede from the Union so that Quebec, a truly divers state, can join the Union and preserve our 50 stars.

Of course, we also want America to build a fence to keep the Texichens from crossing our borders. President Obama, has endorsed this plan and supports the abandonment of e Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo. In the President’s word, “Given the abowed desire of Texas to be independent and since the USA was never a signatory and since Mexico never recognized the independence of Texas, we resolve today that the government of the United States does not recognize Texas as an independent state."

The Mexican police have already crossed the border and occupied the Alamo. Secretary Clintoi has said that until Mexico decides what to do about the Bush crime family, all Texans will be considered enemy alines and nto allowed to enter the USA.

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