Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Is Obama Ready to be Prexy?

I don;t usually borrow art but this toon from Politico and the accompanying text are really important.

The question is simple .. is BO real or a media creation? Read about it here.

This article from Politico describes how Obama set up his office when he became a Senator. To summarize, he recruited first class advisors and staff .. including people outside the usual Democrat apparatchniks.

The media haze we all live in is scary, but so far every time someone reports on an experience with this fellow the answer comes back the same ...Obama is real, different, honest,.committed to public service, open to a lot of ideas. Sounds good.

I am also impressed with his willingness to tell the truth in Detroit.

My biggest worry now is whether he is too nice? How tough can he be? Is he a second coming of JC ... this JC not the guy on the cross. I believe that Jimmy was a great president who lacked public leadership skills .. at least partly because this JC was almost pathologically honest. Remember the sweaters and the fireside talks about thermostatic sacrifices? Jimmy Carter foresaw the current crisis exactly. Yet we did not believe him. Contrast that with GWB's mis-selling of the Iraq war. GWB did a good job selling an idea so bad that it has left his presidency in a junk yard of its own. Would we have beenb better off if JC had lied and somehow convinced us all that energy independence was a national goal? The came Ray-Gun.

Anyhow, I recommend the Politico article. Enjoy.
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