Monday, June 18, 2007

Rushdie and Islaam

Pakistan's parliament has protested the British Queen for her honoring Salman Rushdie with a knighthood. The amazing arrogance of this was the claim by the Minister of Religion that Britains's actions would justify the actions of suicide bombers who try to defend the Prophet's honor.
Rushie, on the right, is a great artist. The comparison in this photo to Kubrick is relevant because the movie guy has also criticized a culture , in his case the West. I wonder how Pakistan would take it if Bush issues a fatwa on Kubrick's life? Or, for that matter what if we said violonece vs. Pakistan is justified by this behavior?
Religous tolerance should never extend to toleration of bigotry. Islamic denigration of other religions is despicable. What is worse, is their presumption that they have the right to impose their standatds on the rest of the world.
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