Sunday, August 31, 2008

Puddy Bud CLAIMS he ain't voting!

@185 Puddybud

Out of my real respect for you I will ignore your public stance that you will not vote for a rational, seasoned team that includes not only Obama and Biden but folks like General Clark (among a couple of dozen other eecetn staff officers), an economic team ranging from O'Neil to Buffett, a commitment to use science, support from foreign plicy estabholishment including Snowcroft, Kissinger and Holbrook. etc vs. a shaky old man, with no major military adviser, no real support form ecomomists, who just chose as as his VEEP an Annie Oakley who wants to teach that the great pumpkin created humans 6000 years ago????

Why am I incredulous?

BTW .. the current issue of Foreign Affairs has a terrific set of articles on the challenges facing the next admin. Written by dems, repubs, and foreign commentators, the take home really does not sound like anything McCain is prepared to do.

Tell you want .. read an article or tow and I will buy you dinner so we can fight over it!
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