Monday, January 26, 2009

UW, Death with Dignity

I hope that proponents of I-1000, faculty interested in the moral role of the UW in our community, as well as UW medical and nursing staff will attend this important discussion.

UW, Department of Bioethics & Humanities:

"Brown Bag series:

I-1000: The Washington Death
with Dignity Act

Patricia Kuszler, MD, JD
Charles I. Stone Professor of Law
UW School of Law

Steve Milam, JD
Affiliate Assistant Professor
Bioethics and Humanities
Wednesday, January 28th, 2009
11:30-12:30 p.m.
Plaza Cafe Conference Rooms A & B"

While I personally believe each of us has the right to choose death, the wording of I-1000 raises ethical issues that must be addressed in a practical way. These issues range from possible legal impact on current practices that permit palliative therapies intended to minimize suffering. Such therapies, for example use of morphine, may hasten death but are not covered by the DWD . Does the law now require a second consultation and psychological evaluation for these procedures as well?

I also have concerns for possible conflicts of interest associated with the much lower costs of care if a patient does choose suicide. Oregon has had one, relatively minor episode, where an HMO informed patients that money could be saved by choosing death. Will this sort of thing increase as demands on Washington's heath care system become more onerous? Can we assure that finacial conerns are NOT a motivating factor in this difficult decision?

Similarly, the Oregon version of this law must be disappointing to I-1000 advocates since it is little used. I suspect that the major obstacles imposed by I-1000, especially need for a record, inclusion of a second physician, and possible requirement for a psychological exam may be daunting to many. Reasons for this need to be discussed if we at the UW are to try and see that the option is made available freely to those who want to choose to end their lives rather than endure expensive and painful terminal care.

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