Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Challenge to Puddy

TAXES and Puddy ... a challenge!

Put up or shut up my furry friend. You remind me of another elegant feline, that Hilton broad, you know Paris? A vain woman with no real idea of where her wealth comes from.

I am all to willing to agree that our government should be more efficient, yet somehow when Repricans are in power we spend more and do it by borrowing.

Whenever the right goes on one of these petulant tirades, they come up with truly silly ways to save money ... no one on the right ever says .. lets give up on our military (about 2/3 of what we really spend) or default on our debt (a good part of what is left).

Here is a great example. I listened to one of the Reprican no sayers discuss the stimulus bill (I think he called it porkulus). His target? COBRA. The trouble is that leaving folks uninsured MEANS a vast decrease in US productivity and a vast increase in our healthcare costs because we have a stupid healthcare system. Look at it this way. A visit to take a kid to a doc for an earache may cost $50. Leave that ear ache alone and meningitis will cost you a lot more!

Anyone who WANTS to live in AynRandland are, well .. less restrictive on the wealthy. Brazil, before its crash looked like that. If you really do not want to pay taxes, then tell us WHAT you do not want to pay for that will allow a significant decrease in MY taxes.

There is an Obamist, rational alternative. Hidden in the stimulus bill there is an impressive
effort by Peter Orszag to force down the costs of health care. This is not an accident or a last minute bright idea. During campaign 08, the Obama side's health care plan presented exactly this option. The option is to use the governments power over Medicare to force down health care costs. This makes a vast amount of sense unless you believe, as I guess some Repricans still do, that we know have a free market in healthcare that will self regulate.

Back at my point .... this Obamist idea is pragmatic, not liberal or conservative. Patriots on the right and the left ought to be able to leave labels aside instead of waving magic anti-tax wands.
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