Thursday, October 22, 2009


"Tuesday, October 20, 2009
America's New Fronteir
HorsesAss.Org » Blog Archive » Change I Can Believe In: 'Imagine that we finally do legalize MJ as a product.

What are the natural sequelae?

1. Lobbying by Big Tobacco to to regulate sale and production.
2. Lobbying by taxation folks .. INCLUDING THE WINGNUTS!!! … to make this a luxury tax.
3. Lobbying by the Am Cancer Society to limit sales the smoked form. Hell THC is a lot cheaper to produce and is easily included in “heart healthy foods” like cookies and diet drinks.
4. Innovation by Big Tobacco and Big Agra to create a full line of Marijuana products:

Pepsi Plus
Hershey’s Brownie Bars
Frito Super Munchies

Of course, profit, cost and regulation will drive the market to RJ Reynolds, Proctor and Gamble, and Kraft. These good folks wil make cheap TNC from corn (Cargill*)

Lee’s community will naturally fight to keep their “natural” product on the market, but they will lose most of the market. Even Starbucks will want environmentally friendly Missippi Bud.

ALL of this leads to the final question..can America dominate this new industry? Is there a Marlboro Man, Ronald McDonald, or or Michael Jackson in the future of the American Marketing of Pot?

It may be fun for Lee and other to think about applying NOW for this job. But I don’t expect that MJ-man will be in the hippy mold. Imagine instead, something based on a software type, manly yet urban.

Imagine the female market driven by a sophisticated, full lipped model … is this an opening for Whitney to return? Perhaps it would make more sense for MJ man to be Puerto Rican? Shouldn’t there be a curvaceous Mary Jane as well?

The ad:

MJ man and Maria Jane, standing on a doc, the pulling a drag as the sun rises over San Juan, Puerto Rico!

Children, a boy and a girl, as well as a golden retriever run up the hill to join them. The family walks down to the beach, still smoking, they jump into their sail boat. Mom hands the picnic basket to MJ man. .. Laughter and sounds of contented munching as Cargill’s logo rises from the sea.

* This post sponsored by Cargill MJ ltd. *

*Cargill, Incorporated is a privately held, multinational corporation, and is
based in the state of Minnesota in the United States. It was founded in 1865, and currenlty adulterates virtually everything we eat.'
Posted by SM Schwartz at 12:02 PM 0 comments"

Here is the beginning of my post. And here is the rest of it.
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