Monday, October 19, 2009

UW Regents Request "Deregulation to support a new UW Sustainable Business Model" -

Gmail - [Aaup] UW Regents Request "Deregulation to support a new UW Sustainable Business Model" - "The UW's Board of Regents recently posted the minutes from its October 15, 2009 meeting. The minutes document the 'Approval of University of Washington 2010 State Supplemental Budget Request', which includes the following:

-A 'policy request' for the 'Deregulation to support a new UW Sustainable Business Model.' The 'model' is not described, but is simply explained as follows:

Current state forecasts are predicting further deficits in the State General Fund budget, raising the prospect of further reductions in State General Fund support for the UW. The administration anticipates putting forward a number of proposals in the 2010 supplemental budget session related to providing the university with more management flexibility as well as more autonomy in controlling university resources, while preserving an appropriate level of accountability to the State as a public agency.

-Backdoor increase of UW-Seattle student tuition via more mandatory fees for capital needs:

Additional UW building fee funded debt necessary to complete the $42.8 million replacement of Balmer Hall. $2.9 million per year would be used from the UW building account for debt service. The state funded design for Balmer Hall has been completed. It is most cost effective to proceed with construction as soon as Paccar Hall is complete in 2010. This funding would also allow the UW to take advantage of the current excellent construction climate.

-Backdoor increase of UW-Tacoma student tuition via mandatory fees for capital needs:

The Legislature was not able to fully fund the UW Tacoma Phase 3 project in the 2009-11 State capital budget. In an effort to support the continued expansion of the UW Tacoma campus, the UW is considering supplementing State capital funds for the UW Tacoma Phase 3 project with a combination of UW Tacoma reserves, debt that would be supported by retail rental revenue, debt that would be supported out of the UW Tacoma operating budget, and debt that would be supported from building fee revenue generated by UW Tacoma students. Legislative approval is required to utilize student building fee dollars for debt service; $513,000 per year would be used from the UW building account to pay for debt service. If the legislature approves this issuance of building fee supported debt, the administration will present an action item to the Board of Regents that has a full financing plan and the specific project approval for completion of the remainder of the scope of the UW Tacoma Phase 3 project.

I realize that public education is in dire straights right now-- a situation that could be made even worse by the passage of I-1033. But I'm alarmed at the willingness of the UW President and Board of Regents to push privatization (passing the costs of higher education from the state to the students) and 'deregulation' without much of any public discussion first.

Trevor Griffey
Doctoral Candidate, U.S. History
University of Washington"

Here is the beginning of my post. And here is the rest of it.
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