Thursday, June 03, 2010

No cattle shockers, not tear gas, no tasers

 From Mirel Goldberg
It is very sad when you receive more and more proofs that your leaders, that decide your future, hopes, that in their care we leave the future of our children and people are stupids, insane and incompetents. The generals that we pay huge wages and advantages, the political leaders that live from the" fat" of the land and from our hard earned money, are  stupid, mean, proud. The seven deadly sins are their domain. But I was hoping that they have what Napoleon asked from his generals: to have some luck.
The proud bastards  don't have this either ...They are repeating the same mistakes and now an heroic Exodus archetype image is created from the dead  fools that came on their boats to help a terrorist organisation/govern and a population that democratically elected the Hamas and voted for blood, terror and tears.
Another  Irish ship is approaching: let's see if we learned something. I doubt.
Israel acted in international water because in the 12 miles you'll have hundreds of Gaza fishboats, Israeli Arabs boats, ships of Israeli activists and maybe the Israeli Right counter-demonstrati on ships . The best solution was sabotage/imobilize in the middle of the sea at night, as nobody with no sophisticate cameras may give news cover and images. To stop the motors and to leave the ships imobilized on the sea.
Another solution was to use special forces as Mishmar HaGvul, prison special anti-riot units...people trained from childhood (in their Georgian, Druze, Russian, Israeli slums, Ethiopian village) how to beat someone without needing to shoot.
To beat someone BUT not to injury/kill him is a profession; the Israeli comando (navyseal style) is trained to enter, search and terminate. When they were in danger, they falled on the training that they received. And they were in mortal danger.
The  blunder was due  to the fact that the imbeciles that are our political and military leaders sent the wrong men in the wrong place.
I have a profound feeling that all over the world, in private societies as in states governs, the fools and the idiots are now leading to our doom. The corrupts, the fools and the ignorants are our leaders. In the history of humankind, with drums and trumpets sometimes we are dancing to   the March of Folly. And now is this time 
As in other countries, Israel is no exception; it is a very sad day: people died and Israel lost again the battle of communication. In the future this day will be paid by us in land, money, Honor and respect.
Thank to our proud political and military leaders. May they rot in the dustbin of history.
"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
Benjamin Franklin

To have a right to do a thing is not at all the same as to be right in doing it." — G.K. Chesterton

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