Monday, June 14, 2010

Why was Sheikh Raad Salah on the Mavi Marmara?

Sheikh Raad Salah is an Israeli Arab politician.  He was one of several Israeli Palestinians aboard the Turkish ship.   

Raad Salah is an Israeli denialist.  He claims that our claim to Jerusalem is based on a false view of history.   This view and his other actions, however, do not change his freedoms as an Israeli citizen.

The Sheikh is pro Palestine and may be even pro a single state.  Israel, as a democracy, gives Sheikh Salah the freedom not only to speak but to act. ..non violently.

Isn't there a way to turn this Israeli into a tool for peace?  As a Jeffersonian I believe that free speech is the center of resolving conflict, as follower of Hillel I believe that tolerance is central to peace.  As a Gandhian, I believe that non violence is the strongest tool for achieving justice. 

Seeing Salah through the hyperbole of the media is difficult, but he can not be the only free thinking Palestinian Israeli.  Could the real peacemakers on the Palestinian side now be living in Israel? 

I have thought many times about the dilemma of a non-violent leader arising on the West Bank or Gaza.  Gandhi and King never feared for violence from their own sides.  It may not be possible to be a non violent leader living in Gaza, but a new Dr. King could arise in Haifa! 

Of course there is a speck of pork in this kosher and hallal view of the future of Israel.  Fundamentalims may trump non violence! the picture to the right is of cheridim blocking an archaelogical dig in Jaffa.  Imagine a Selma styke march of Palestinians blocked by a cheredi phalanax.

I have (some) hopes.
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