Saturday, November 17, 2007

23AndMe Will Decode Your DNA for $1,000. Welcome to the Age of Genomics

23AndMe Will Decode Your DNA for $1,000. Welcome to the Age of Genomics: "This new industry draws on science that is just beginning to emerge. Genomics is in its earliest days: The Human Genome Project, the landmark effort to sequence the DNA of our species, was completed in 2003, and the research built on that milestone is only now being published. The fact that any consumer with $1,000 can now capitalize on this project is a rare case of groundbreaking science overlapping with an eager marketplace. For the moment, 23andMe and Navigenics offer genotyping: the strategic scanning of your DNA for several hundred thousand of the telltale variations that make one human different from the next. But in a few years, as the price of sequencing the entire genome drops below $1,000, all 6billion points of your genetic code will be opened to scrutiny."
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