Thursday, July 10, 2008

EFFin’ Unsound » Blog Archive » Judgement

Refering to Michael Meved's high fallutin criticism of Wesley Clark, Lee said, "Knowing Medved, he might mean the mistake of being born brown."


I do NOT want to defend Medved. Words that come to mind in describing this man include quisling, capo, traitor, and antisemite.

Growing up in Boston, I learned to recognize this sort of skink. Some wore kipot and sat in a rabbi's chair. But, whenever there was s serious moral issue facing Jews, esp. one requiring siding with the Jewish tradition vs. sucking up to racists and bigots, these momserim would gladly degrade Judaism in retunr for recognition by the bosses.

I once had a confrontation with Medved. This was after a showing of the movie Munich. There was discussion, moderated by Erin Hart on the movie with Medeved decrying the movie's sense of sympathy for the Palestinians. Medved claimed that fact that the Massad agents guilt and dosgist at their own actions made them less than heroes. He saw nothing heroic and Jdewish about compassion for the me and women they killed

Another quisling-Jew speaker that night, a representative of your friends at the DI, .went even further. Talking about hoe the Jews needed "real" heroes like Ronnald Reagan and John Wayne.

Most of the audience, a Jewish audiince, was opposed to Meved and hios buddy. The DiI guy stupildy asked for a show of hands but almost noone agreed with this capo's point of view.

I spoke up from the audience, referring to the Talmudic imperative that one should never kill anyone, even in a war, without accepting your own guilt for taking a life. I pointed out the Zionist creed that committed Israel to beiing a home for BOTH peoples. I publically called hias talk demeaning to Jewish traditions.

Meved was pretty peaved at me and later tried to come over an make conversation. Unfortunately, by this point, I was really pissed just wanted to get away from the stench I imagine was similar to the one given off by Jews who worked for the Nazis in the camps.
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