Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Nikon Rumors

Nikon Rumors: "Nikon scored a home run with the D700
This apparently is an email from Adorama to a D700 buyer.
If you have ordered one already - stick to your order, they 'will be shipped in the order in which it was received'.

Apparently even Nikon didn’t know just how big a homerun they scored with the new D700. Initial demand for the D700 far outstrips Nikon’s ability to build it, one of the most sensational new cameras in a generation.

As one of Nikon’s biggest dealerships, Adorama’s allocation of D700’s is way up there. But ‘way up there’ doesn’t even come close to the number of orders we’ve received.

We know this is small comfort to all of you who are champing at the bit. Just imagine how we feel. You’re waiting for a single D700. We’re waiting for lots of them.

All we can ask of you is what Nikon is asking of us – for a bit of patience. As soon as they can deliver they will. As soon as we can ship to you we will.

Every single D700 will be shipped per the order in which it was received. NO ONE IS skipping to the head of the line.

All we can tell you at this time is that we value your business and regard your professionalism very highly. We know how important your equipment is to you, and we understand why a Nikon D700 is a ‘must-have"

Here is the beginning of my post. And here is the rest of it.
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