Thursday, February 05, 2009

Do Democrats have Special Underwear?

on Goldy ...

Do devout democrats have special underwear?

Goldy knows a lot more about politics than I do, but he is wrong an one issue. We Goldyites who diss McD do not do so just becaue McD does a poor job of serving pork on the District platter. Our opposition comes from a lack of belief that McD is effective in Congress.

Pork is a tricky term. Pork can include support for interest groups that have nothing special to do with this District. Support for teachers salaries, immigrants' rights, the interstate highway system, environment, Pell grants ... are these pork? This District has large communities with such "specia" interests ... education, research, intellectual property, fishing, US:Canada ties, etc etc. If McD even knows about these issues he is hardly visible.

Goldy has his own "pork" commitments. He cares deeply about mass transit and public education. Good issues that include real needs for funding. Where is McD on these issues?

As our Congressman McD should show leadership on local matters as well. Where is he on the Mayor's urbanization issues or the systematic disassembly of our schools or the Viaduct .. or anything where his opinion matters? For that matter, where is McD on the impending death of the PI? Our Congressman reminds me mor of the talking head Ted Baxter from the Mary Tyler Moore show than a he does of own of the partisans in the West Wing.

I think I understand the sources for Goldy's support for McD. Goldy is an old world politician. Do devout democrats like Mormons have special underwear? If so, I suspect Goldy's is verwell worn. This guy loves caucuses, party politics, the show on TV, and the drama of the political scene. That drama also appeals to Goldy, the writer and dramatist.

What I would like to know is whether Goldy's accolades to McD for SCHIP are at all deserved. How much of the final passage is owed to McD's leadership?

Maybe the key to understanding Goldy's support for Jim McD is Goldy's love of drama. We may all be actors in a Goldy run reality show, sort of a Seattle Cheers. Has anyone looked to see if there are hidden cameras recording the action at DL? Am I character in Goldy's drama too?
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