Sunday, February 01, 2009

Nigeria .. from the CIA

NigerianNews::Nigerian News Portal; Unbridled and UnAfraid: "Dr. Thomas Fingar, the Chairman of the National Intelligence Council (NIC), recently presented and discussed his report titled the “Global Trends 2025” and among many other things, has predicted a bleak future for Nigeria if certain identified indicators were not addressed before 2025. Although, Dr. Fingar was at pains to explain that the purpose of the 120-page report was not to make concrete predictions, but rather to “stimulate strategic thinking about how trends will evolve in the future… And the goal is to provide an opportunity, as people begin to settle into jobs, to think about their own areas of responsibility in a broader, global context.” , I have made extracts that relates to Nigeria, even when these have not been specifically addressed or mentioned. These have been done to highlight the fallacy or otherwise, of this report and to examine if any of the matters it raised should be of concern to our leaders, Nigerians and if these are even relevant to us as a nation."

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