Saturday, August 21, 2010

The New Mecca

The furor over the Islamic Cultural Center in New York is all too familiar.

The rabid religious right sees 9/11 as a new Mecca.  An American Kaaba.
 The idea that Allah commands that Mecca be free of Jews and Christians is repugnant. The commandment that Islam dominate other peoples is disgusting and should be called that.  The idea that the World Trade Center is profaned bya mosque is just as repugnant.

The price for such rational intolerance, is that we should show the same intolerance of ourselves. Atheists who want to ban God from public places, Christians who see 9/11 as a new Mecca … are ALL doing the same thing.

In the meantime:

Dozens of US soldiers who refused to attend a Christian band's concert at a Virginia military base were banished to their barracks and told to clean them up.
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