Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Clinton's Chance at Greatness

HorsesAss.Org » Blog Archive » On second thought… Obama Wins!: "Clinton and Edwards have a brief chance at greatness now. Not for either to be President but to be a true leaders in troubled times.

From Edwards POV, he should endorse Obama ASAP, but better yet would be to coordinate with Hillary, That coordination could build a truly historic team for reform.

IF she is a patriot, she will announce tomorrow that the vioters have spoken and BHO is the candidate. At the same time, she should make a deal with him to work together on the huge number of issues on which they agree, her in the Senate ,,,

a “smart” answer to Iraq
rebuilding of the US alliances
restructure the tax system so it is progressive and productive

If Edwards is a patriot this is his last chance to bargain with Obama from strength. He should ask for the AG job and in that capacity he can lead a much needed effort at corporate reform and maybe even tort reform to benefit the average guy!

There is far more on this plate than any one person can handle, to clone a term ..

It takes a dream team to reform an injured country ."

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