Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My Way News - Clinton seeks largely symbolic win in W.Va.

My Way News - Clinton seeks largely symbolic win in W.Va.: "CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) - Hillary Rodham Clinton reached out for a largely symbolic victory in the West Virginia primary Tuesday over Barack Obama, front-runner in a historic Democratic presidential race nearing an end. Obama conceded defeat in advance in the state, looking ahead to the Oregon primary later in the month and the fall campaign against John McCain, the republican nominee-in-waiting.

Interviews with West Virginia voters leaving their polling places showed an electorate that was overwhelmingly white. ??I wonder what question was asked to get this answer?"

Nearly one in four of all ballots were cast by voters 60 and older, and a similar number by West Virginians with no education beyond high school. More than half the voters were in families with incomes of $50,000 or less. Clinton has done particularly well in primaries to date among older, less well-educated and lower-income families."

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