Tuesday, May 13, 2008

On White Liberalism and Hillary

Skeptical Brotha: "Hillary Clinton’s trail of crocodile tears into the bosom of blue collar, redneck America has been an interesting fall from the imperial heights from which this campaign began. Getting down and dirty with America’s great unwashed hoards was only supposed to be an indignity reserved for Iowa and New Hampshire before the coronation. Conventional wisdom told us that anything more would be unnecessary because it was obviously Hillary’s turn. Her claim to the throne as America’s Queen, ironclad."

I do not want to cross post the full essay here because it is so well written that quotes would not do it justice.

BUT, the blog offers an indictment of white liberalism .. in the form of an effort to explain Hillary's campaign failures, that should be read by anyone .. right, left, Obamist or Clintonite. The essay talks factually about Hillary's career and about the one sidedness of her efforts to be helpful.

I have tried many times to write this sort of thing into words and failed. There is nothing wrong with white liberalism, but there comes a time when the effort to help another group, in this case the AA, comes full circle. That time is when the liberal's efforts from her white platform have made that platform broader and the once disadvantaged group, the target of good deeds, assumes equality on and above that platform.

This is more than simply waking up t a boss who has black skin. That is hard enough. What is much harder is to find that your black skinned boss is culturally black.

Those who know me at all know that I identify with the Black community and see a bond between Jewish and Black interests. In all that, however, I know that I am not Black and that Jews and Blacks have different interests. The hard thing as I have grown up is to transcend the stage of "us" helping "them." That happens when one begins to encounter AA people in one's own filed who are as bright or more bright than oneself.

Put another way, I doubt that Hillary has ever had an AA boss before. Is she ready to be helped by a person who is not only black skinned but who attends an openly black church?

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