Sunday, September 21, 2008

HorsesAss.Org » BlMedical Fuck Initiative

HorsesAss.Org » Blog Archive » When a Judge Becomes a Doctor: "I suspect it is unlikely that the judge made her decision without referring to someone with expertise.

I wonder if there may not be a different tack for the MJ evangelists? I would make an analogy between FUCK and marijuana.

When I was growing up we used FUCK as a normal part of language. “Fuck you” was even a pleasantry .. about like the contemporary use of “Nigger” as an affectionate term in the black community. As I have gotten older, the censorship of this useful explication has become very annoying to me.

Like marijuana bans or America’s censorship of porn, fuck bans are very much a cultural phenomenon. When I was first in Sweden I was struck by the huge and open distribution of rather tasteless porn. In Sweden, a country that has a public standard of morality far higher than our own, porn is as accepted as candy bars are here.

I asked a friend his thoughts on this and he told me that despite the general atheism of Swedes, they consider sex normal BUT abhor blasphemy! I asked about swear word using sex or feces and he told me Swedish lacks such terms. Goran then taught me the functional equivalent of FUCK. The Swede faced with a similar verbal need uses, FANN. The Swedish “fann”, however, means devil!

I later discovered that this"

Here is the beginning of my post. And here is the rest of it.
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