Sunday, October 26, 2008

American Thinker Blog: Shocker: Star-Tribune endorses Norm Coleman

American Thinker Blog: Shocker: Star-Tribune endorses Norm Coleman: "Shocker: Star-Tribune endorses Norm Coleman
Thomas Lifson
There's a good reason why the normally left Minnesota paper endorses the Republican senatorial incumbent. Editorial: Norm Coleman for Senate

Count this newspaper among the Minnesota voices that long for a lessening of partisan polarization and a return to constructive problem-solving in Washington. If demonization of the partisan opposition continues to be the political coin of this realm, effectiveness of American democracy will be diminished.

Independent judgment, exercised on behalf of the best interests of the country....

He showed good judgment most recently when, despite a tide of constituent opposition, he voted to authorize spending $700 billion to inject capital into banks and thaw a credit freeze."

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Aaron said...

This wasn't really a surprise endorsement considering how the Star Tribune has treated this race.

SM Schwartz said...

I do not know much about this .. what goes on at that paper?