Thursday, October 30, 2008


The Lone Ranger: Is Political Activism Cool Again? - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International: "Stroke of Genius

Now the Obama campaign is taking this technique to a far higher level. Using its burgeoning e-mail lists, it figures out who might be a likely helper, and in which locations and with which voters. For instance, since we live in Washington D.C., my wife is not asked to call anyone locally because Washington is a certain victory for Obama. Instead, the e-mail asks her to call voters in the nearby swing state of Pennsylvania. A second e-mail, asks her to call, specifically, women voters. It links her, on the Web, to a list of names and phone numbers.

Tonight my wife made her first calls. “They were mostly Hispanic voters,” she surmises, from their names and their accents. “And they were mostly enthusiastic about Obama.” So her message to them was: Don’t forget to vote. (Targeting Hispanic voters has become yet another, little known stroke of genius of the Obama campaign.)

My wife actually made these calls from California, where she is traveling. That’s three hours behind East Coast time. Yet it worked. Mid-afternoon in San Diego was just before dinner time in, for example, Allentown, Pennsylvania. Using her personal cell phone during private down time, she reached all the way across the country to speak to"

Here is the beginning of my post. And here is the rest of it.
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Anonymous said...

How can any normal Jew support a candidate as dangerous as Obama. For 20 years he heard hate from his Rev. Wright but refused to leave his church even when media found out. vote McCain.

SM Schwartz said...

e you even a Jew or just another anonymous hate monger.

You know as much about Reverend Wright as you do about Satan, Muhamed, or Ben Frnklin's Torey son.

The Republican party that you seem to admire has done more harm to the future of Israel than anyone other than Yasser Arafat and Gamel Abdul Nasser. Worse yer, John MCCain, if elected would have no choice but to ally himself with some of the worst people in our culture ,, racial and religous bigots who comprise about 1/3 or twhat is left of the Republican Party.

While you are dissing Baruch (his Hebrew name), I suggest you tske the time to learn about his cousin, a close family friend, Capers Funnye .. chief Rabbi of a synagogue in Chicago or read about the interactions he has had with the leading French Jewish Scholar and writer, biographer of Daniel Pearl, Bernard-Henri Lévy, (,1518,585119,00.html).

For OUR SURVIVAL we need a wise President, able to lead not only the USA bout the world. John McCain was a wonderful man, but his affiliation with the near nazi fringes of his own party,. his participation in Iran Contra, his support of the discredited government of Columbia, and bizarre choice of Sarah Palin .. a religious and social fanatic, make any idea that he can be "that one" ludicrous.