UPDATE: things are getting worse. No one is talking about the role of the Chinese in the US financial crisis. Just to put a log on this fire .. what if China is still run by orthodox communists? A little damage to China's controlled economy would never have detered Mao from using this situation as a weapon. We better pray to Ronald Reagan and Ayn Rand that President Hu is a closet capitalist.
Bloomberg.com: Worldwide: "Nov. 5 (Bloomberg) -- Gisele Bundchen wants to remain the world's richest model and is insisting that she be paid in almost any currency but the U.S. dollar. Like billionaire investors Warren Buffett and Bill Gross, the Brazilian supermodel, who Forbes magazine says earns more than anyone in her industry, is at the top of a growing list of rich people who have concluded that the currency can only depreciate because Americans led by President George W. Bush are living beyond their means."
Asia Times: US dollar hegemony has got to go: "World trade is now a game in which the US produces dollars and the rest of the world produces things that dollars can buy. The world's interlinked economies no longer trade to capture a comparative advantage; they compete in exports to capture needed dollars to service dollar-denominated foreign debts and to accumulate dollar reserves to sustain the exchange value of their domestic currencies. To prevent speculative and manipulative attacks on their currencies, the world's central banks must acquire and hold dollar reserves in corresponding amounts to their currencies in circulation. The higher the market pressure to devalue a particular currency, the more dollar reserves its central bank must hold. This creates a built-in support for a strong dollar that in turn forces the world's central banks to acquire and hold more dollar reserves, making it stronger. This phenomenon is known as dollar hegemony, which is created by the geopolitically constructed peculiarity that critical commodities, most notably oil, are denominated in dollars. Everyone accepts dollars because dollars can buy oil. The recycling of petro-dollars is the price the US has extracted from oil-producing countries for US tolerance of the oil-exporting cartel since 1973. By definition, dollar reserves must be invested in US assets, creating a capital-accounts surplus for the US economy. Even after a year of sharp"
I was searching on google to find a photo like the one I found on your site. I want to make a dress out of a flower with adobe photoshop, but I need a girl to wear it. now my question is: could I maybe use this photo for the project?
my mail-adres is ikke_3103@hotmail.com
I am not a copyright attorney but my guess it would depend on your use. If it is for personal use I think there is no issue. If it is to be published, even w/o profit, it may still be OK if the image is not copyrighted, if you identify the source venue, and if the modification is somehow related to Bundchen's notoriety. In this case, thought the image is linked, there is an obvious comment by the context so I believe I would be OK even if SJ were for profit.
One way to do this Pshop without getting into trouble at all would be a mashup where you make enough changes so that the identity of the model and probably even the origin fo the picure are not obvious.
Finally, I am sure if you look around the web there are sites that offer free material and material at a use fee.
I hit Google for a full-sized image of Giselle Bundchen so I could see what she looked like and came across Henry C K Liu's article on Dollar Hegemony on your site. I now feel activism!
Keep the internet free! Thanks for your posting!
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