Friday, March 14, 2008
span.fullpost {display:inline;}2 comments:
Anonymous said...
Stephen.....isn't "ethnically devoted" the same code that the KKK uses? isn't it exactly the same thing? of course it is.
and BTW, you might be interested to know that the "rev." wright also published the hamas manifesto on his church site where he also stated that Israel had no right to exist.
is your "white guilt" so extreme that you will throw your own people under the bus as BHO has with his grandma?
i cannot believe that you would still support barack after everything you have [surely] learned about him and his corrupt friends. you weren't kidding when you stated that you were a might want to add *mindless* to that description too.
fortunately for America, not everyone or even anyone at this point is drinking the kool aid anymore...frankly,i am surprised that you still are. -
7:59 PM
- SM Schwartz said...
First, why would I put any faith in your own bigoted claims? I have not been to Rev Wright's website so I have no idea in what context he posted the Hamas charter.
What I have seen is a disgusting display of racism. Playing these excerpts over and over all week as if this were not a lynching. I join other Americans in condemning that sort of behavior and anyone who would participate in it. You shame MY country.
Second, may angern at people like you has to do with identification with other Americans, not wit any desire to look like you. of all, I have no "white guilt." I have never pretended to be white. If you want to paint me a color you will have to find out the tint that means Jude.
But, that would not help much because I am something folks like you have trouble understanding .. an American,
We Americans come in all colors ... White, Christian, Turk, Jude, Brown, Red, Lakota .. ...
I am an American who is extremely proud of a country that has made it posisble for my people to prosper. not as tolerated guests but simply as members of our society.
Third, obviously I do not like knowing that many Blacks identify with the Palestinians. And yes this makes me sad. But I also recognize this as inevitable given the claim of many of MY people to be white, the lack of Jewish pride in our role in Civil Rights, but esp. the fact that any Christian grown up burdened by the bigotry of your bible. I see Rev. Wright's bigotry as typically Christian. But then there are qalso many good Christians .. you might be surprised that many of them are not white.
As for Rev. Wright's affinity for the Palestinians, what is your point? Is it unamerican to support THEIR right of self determination? Does he do this out of hatred for Jews or identification with the Palestinians?
To the best of my knowledge, Rev. Wright supports both Hamas' aspirations and ours. Does that make sense, no?
Read some of Jimmy Carter's nnew book or better yey join the largeest jewish peace grpoup, Peace Now and learn how WE feel about the Palestinians.
How much ire would you have me show to others? As three examples ... EVERY Roman Catholic, by ddefiniteon, supports this Pope who has reinstated the antisemitic mass. Should I hate them too? John McCain accepts and courts supprt from the Baptists, a group that considers destruction of the Jews a matter of revelation. Should i hate McCain? BTW, Hillary's church is divesting itself of investments in Israel.
How white of you! -
4:20 PM
Listening to MSNBC this AM was a lesson in American racism. They picked sound bytes from Rev. Wright’s speaches to denigrate him and Obama.
The honest truth is that I heard the vopice of an intense, ethnically devoted man who is irate at the history of his people in this country. Is it wriong for an African American minister to speak this way or did I not live through the last 66 years?
Yep Rev. Wright says STRONG things. He says we BOMBED Hiroshima and invaded Iraq. He says we enslaved and dehumanized his own anacestors. He yells about these crimes and invikes the justice of his Deity. Rev. Wright judges his own country harshly.
Is this s surprise? Is it newsworthy? Or is ti racist?Compared to poets I read .. Kerouac and Ginsberg, compared to Bob Dylan and Jimi Hendrix this stuff is mild. Wright diod not write HOWL or the Hednrix version of our national anthem. But, ya know he is just another N—-.
Exactly what is the medioa trying to do here? Compensate for Hillary’s claim that it is weak on Obama? Finding yellow text to fill 24/7 journalism’s open orifices?