Here is the beginning of my post. And here is the rest of it. Obama was trounced last night. The spin masters are diminishing it because .. after all Obama began with the assumption that Hillary owned these states. That psoition makes no sense unless he also wants to win th November.
The question is not how did she pull it off? The real question is how does Obama counter the Clinton strategy. That strategy boils down to the assertion that HRC is more experienced in government. The tactics used to make this point are, however, all negative. On no issue has Ms. Clinton come out and said, this is where my power of judgment is better than Baracks'. No issue biut one ... healthcare. She and he have fought each other to a standff on that one.
Barack needs to prick the balloon of her competence. How can this be done?
1. Hillarycare ... Run the damn ad that killed it, followed by a discussion of why she failed, capped with femonizing Ira Magaziner. Point ut that her plan does not deal with the need to seperate employment from insurance.
2. Social Security, her plan is NOT a plan, it is a delay to another commission. Attack the plan.
3. Public service. HRC has served for one year as a counsel to the Children's defence fund. Yet she touts her role. Compare her 1 year with BHO's many years. Senate record .. she lacks sponsored legislation.
4. Hit her on Iraq and on Israel at the same time. BHO should challenge her to defend her withdrawal strategy. He should play on his "we went is stupidly, we need to end this smartly." To be honest neither of them has an annonced strategy but she has been a tad more specific so this is an opening. HRC says she would withdraw 1-2 brigades a month depending on the military teling her what wqas feasible. Obama should reataliate. "Withdrawl from Bush's mistake is not so simple, we need a real plan. He oculd follow that wiht almopst anything as lonjg as the plan includes Israel and a commitment form day one to have a permanent on site peace amabassador.
5. Bill is a major problem for her. His dealings through the Clinton Foundation .. esp. the relaitonship with a dubious investor in Canada, are red meat. BHO could raise the issue without going negatove by asking whether WJC will commit to stepping down form the position since it compromises the ethics of the Prsidency.
2. Hillary's feminsim can be turned against her ... but only very carefully. Barck shyould give speach n the politics of diision. In that talk or ad he could include an HRC speach about being the first female Prexy;. That could be put alongside Bush's claim that he was desrving because of his strong beleifs in jesus, Nixon;'s Mccarthyism, even Jackson's campaign. the point would be, we need to come together .. gender, race are past issues ,, BUT is a way that paints her as absessed.
6. Tax returns. Nuff said. There are many ways to use this, but it would be ebst to put it in the competency context. If she is so competent, why can't she release their taxes?
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